3 Science Backed Ways To Manifest Something Overnight

1. Create a picture or image of the thing you desire

So the first step is to get a picture of the thing that you desire the most because your subconscious mind works better in picture form than it does in words because you’ve visualized everything in your mind as a picture.

And As you think about anything in your mind it will come up in a picture form to bypass any obstacles and make manifestation easier. You’re gonna get a picture and this can be on your mobile phone or in a physical form and what you want to do is you want to look at that picture as much as possible.

So what I do is the thing that I want to manifest I’ll put it is my screensaver on my phone and I probably look at my phone 50 or 60 times over a day and every time I look at my phone I see the thing that I desire and that’s the first step.

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2. Write what you want in CLEAR Detail before you go to sleep

The second step is to write it down on paper before you go to sleep at night and there are two main things that will happen here.
The first thing is your subconscious mind will start to work on manifesting that thing into your life quicker because it uses all its stored energy and power and all your memories and all the things that you’ve learned in your subconscious mind.
It brings it to the forefront of your mind and when you wake up in the morning, you start off in a higher vibrational frequency and hopefully, you’ll move towards the thing that you manifest quicker.
The second thing it allows you to do is just get on with your day. When you wake up in the morning you don’t have to think about anything apart from you or the thing that you want to achieve because you’ve already set it the night before. You wake up in the morning and you start with your task or your daily goals and you’ll find that your subconscious mind will start to attract the thing that you desire into your life. Here is a video demonstration of getting clear with what you want - to manifest anything within lighting speed.

3. Listen to This affirmation during sleep

The third thing in this thing really did change my perspective and the main manifestation a lot easier for me and it is to listen to some sort of statement or affirmation whilst you sleep at night.
And what you want to do is you want to find some sort of affirmation or statement that is in harmony with the thing that you desire.
So for instance you want to attract money into your life then finding affirmation is around the morning and what I do is I listen to it with my headphones throughout the night when I’m asleep because my subconscious mind never sleeps.
And what I’m doing by putting these statements in, all over and over again repeatedly, my subconscious mind is starting to change its vibrational frequency. It’s starting to believe that I can actually attract the money into my life and when I listen for eight hours solid my subconscious mind is transformed and the more I do it the easier it is.
An as a matter of fact here is the